know your deen

Islamic Studies

Arabic-Institute-of-Britain-AIB center

Islam is not simply a belief, but a complete way of life for Muslims. To understand the message of Almighty Allah and the teachings of His final messenger prophet Muhammed (PBUH) is the most important aspect of the Islamic faith. That is why we do not only recite the Quran without relating or reflecting on it, as required by Allah.

At Arabic Institute of Britain, we believe that providing Islamic education allows the right knowledge of Islam to be taught to students. This will include the following subjects:

Aqeedah: It covers the basic core beliefs of the Islamic religion, the beliefs that distinguish Muslims from other religions

Fiqh: This is known as (jurisprudence), which relates to the day-to-day practical aspects of Islam which enable Muslims to worship Allah in the manner He requires us to worship him. Students will learn the method of worship, the requirements, and what would validate or invalidate them.

Akhlaaq: is an Arabic term referring to the practice of virtue, morality and good manners, and character in Islam. In simple words, we can say that Akhlaaq is basically the ethics, good conduct, and moral character of a person

General Islamic Education: Islamic education refers to the academic study of Islam, and generally to academic multidisciplinary studies program

Our Islamic studies course offers classes in three categories:

  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
  • Advance

Each category is designed at an appropriate level for each student’s ability and age.


In order for a Muslim to grow up living his or her life in the Islamic way, he or she must learn and practice Islam from a young age.
This level is mainly for the young children or anyone who is taking the first steps into learning Islamic education.
The student is required to complete thirty lessons, each lesson lasts for one hour, a minimum of two lessons a week. At the end of this course, students will be tested and then awarded a certificate.

Course Outline


  • The purpose of creation
  • Islam
  • Beliefs of a Muslim
  • Allah is the creator, provider and protector
  • Books of Allah
  • Pillars of Islam
  • Articles of faith
  • Life after death


  • When using toilet
  • When is Wudhu necessary?
  • Practical Wudhu
  • What breaks my Wudhu?
  • Adhan and Iqaamah
  • Five daily Salah and its time

Akhlaaq (Manners)

  • When I go to learn
  • Respect
  • Greetings
  • Truthfulness
  • Greediness
  • Wastefulness
  • Helping the needy

General Islamic Education

  • Prophet Adam
  • Prophet Nua
  • Prophet Ibrahim
  • Prophet Yusuf
  • Prophet Muhammed
  • Hadith and Sunnah
  • Food that we may eat

Revisions /Test

Mode of Learning
  • Study at center (Classroom)
  • Group Online
  • One-On-One

30 Lessons  | 12 Weeks | 2 Lessons Per Week | Two(2) Per Each Lesson

Cost of Course
  • Study at Center (Classroom): £ 200
  • Group Online: £ 200
  • One-On-One: £ 250
Admission Requirement

There is no educational or proficiency required to enroll in this particular course


This level of Islamic studies is for those students who already have a sound foundation of Islamic Education through their previous study and want to go further.
With this course, students are required to attend and complete twenty lessons in Aqeedah, Fiqh, Akhlaaq, and General Islamic Studies. At the end of the course, students will be tested and awarded a certificate of attendance and completion
The topics to be taught are: 

Course Outline


  • Islam a complete way of life
  • Three common principles of Deen
  • Major and minor sins
  • Attawwaab
  • The Angels
  • The Glorious Quran
  • The hereafter
  • The Sahaabah
  • Jannah and Jahannam


  • Fiqh Arabic terms
  • Tayammum
  • Conditions to make Tayammum valid
  • Forbidden times for Salah
  • Conditions of Salah
  • The rules of Water
  • Salatu Taraweeh
  • Salatul Jum’ah
  • Salatul Eid
  • Witr Salah

Akhlaaq (Manners)

  • Conduct
  • Forgiveness
  • Dressing
  • Promises
  • Kindness
  • Nicknames
  • Safe your Tongue
  • Making friends

General Islamic Education

  • Prophet Hud (A) Struggle to guide Mankind
  • Prophet Salih (A) Struggle to guide Misguided
  • Prophet Musa (A) His life and achievements
  • Prophet Sulaiman (A) A King and a Servant of Allah
  • The Righteous Khulafaa
  • Battle of Badr, Hud and Khandaq
  • Hadith collection and classification
  • Treaty of Hudaibiyyah
  • Permitted and Prohibited
  • Friends with Non-Muslims 

Revisions /Test

Mode of Learning
  • Study at Center (Classroom)
  • Group Online
  • One-On-One

20 Lessons  | 12 Weeks | 2 Lessons Per Week | Two(2) Per Each Lesson

Cost of Course
  • Study at Center (Classroom): £ 200
  • Group Online: £ 200
  • One-On-One: £ 250

This level is for serious and committed students with previous Islamic Educational backgrounds, willing to take their studies to the highest level, and continue developing their Islamic knowledge from a broad and multidisciplinary perspective.
Students are required to complete twenty lessons, a minimum of two lessons a week, each lesson lasting for an hour. At the end of this course, students will be tested and awarded a certificate of attendance and completion

Course Outline


  • Qualities of Allah
  • Signs of Qiyaamah
  • Mu’jizah
  • Karaamaat
  • Is’tidraaj
  • Awliyaah
  • Shirk, Kufr and Nifaaq
  • Sin and Repentance
  • Nubuwwah and Risaalah
  • Did’ah


  • Najaasah (Impurity)
  • Tahaarah (Purification)
  • Gusl (Spiritual Bath)
  • Mas’ah on the Khuf (wiping on the socks)
  • Muf’sidaatu Salah
  • Mas’ah on the wounds, Bandages and Plaster
  • Significant of Adhan
  • Sajdatu Sahw
  • Qadhaa Salah
  • Salatul Mareed
  • Salatul Musaafir
  • Salatul Janazah

Akhlaaq (Manners)

  • Humility
  • Treatment of the parents
  • Muslim brotherhood
  • Self-respect
  • Neighbours
  • Manner of Talking and walking
  • Backbiting
  • Decency
  • Jealousy
  • Love and unity

General Islamic Education

  • Islam and violence
  • Peer pressure
  • Dating in Islam
  • Alcohol and Gambling
  • Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) multiple marriages
  • The Early History of Shiah Muslims
  • Madhaaib (A Brief Overview)
  • Lessons from past Civilization

Revisions /Test

Mode of Learning
  • Study at Center (Classroom)
  • Group Online
  • One-On-One

20 Lessons  | 12 Weeks | 2 Lessons Per Week | Two(2) Per Each Lesson

Cost of Course
  • Study at Center (Classroom): £ 200
  • Group Online: £ 200
  • One-On-One: £ 250